Media Release: “Teacher Safety is Student Safety,” ETT President Jennifer Brown Sends Open Letter to TDSB Calling for Action for a Safe September
For Immediate Release – July 27, 2020 Toronto, ON – Ahead of the release of
For Immediate Release – July 27, 2020 Toronto, ON – Ahead of the release of
In her introductory video, newly elected ETT President Jennifer Brown addresses members’ COVID-19 health and
Though this school year may be coming to a close, local bargaining between ETT and
As we prepare for the final weeks of the 2019-2020 school year and look towards
As you may be aware, the TDSB issued an updated protocol on May 28 regarding
Dear ETT Members, I hope this message finds you well. This week has brought some
In her video address for Monday, May 11, 2020, ETT President Joy Lachica raises members’
“As members in elementary, we have accomplished so much, so quickly, especially when standards of
“As we enter week four, we thank you, and, as members, we thank our Stewards,
“As we enter the third week of emergency remote learning activities, I want to acknowledge
Proudly meeting the insurance needs of Ontario education members and their families.