The new terms and conditions of our Collective Agreement are immediately in effect and enforceable.
Collective Bargaining is what establishes your Collective Agreement, the document that outlines a teacher’s salary, benefits, working conditions, sick leave, vacation, protection from arbitrary discipline, and much more.
All members are urged to engage and get involved in the bargaining process.
Members of the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) have voted in favour of accepting central bargaining agreements reached with the Government of Ontario, the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association and the Council of Trustees’ Associations:
“Our goal was to defend public education and the working and learning conditions that have made Ontario’s education system one of the best in the world,” said ETFO President Sam Hammond. “While these negotiations were prolonged and difficult, our educators – with the support from parents and other community members – stood firm in the face of planned government cuts to education.”
Highlights of the ETFO central agreements include:
“Along with our members, we want to thank parents and other supporters for standing together to defend public education over this past year,” added Hammond.
ETFO locals will now work with their respective school boards to negotiate local collective agreements.
With the passage of Bill 122, the School Boards’ Collective Bargaining Act, 2014, all items with a monetary element are now negotiated at the provincial level between ETFO, the Ministry, and OPSBA (Ontario Public School Boards’ Association).
Items discussed at Central Bargaining include, but are not limited to:
Items discussed in Local Bargaining include, but are not limited to:
Members, to ensure that you receive Collective Bargaining information in a timely manner please subscribe to receive ETT Electronic Communications.
ETFO also sends out a members-only Collective Bargaining eNewsletter. Please make sure your contact information is up-to-date with ETFO. You can update your contact information either online or by calling ETFO at 416-962-3836 and asking for Member Records (available 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.).
If you have any questions about the bargaining process, please contact your Executive Officer.
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