October 17 Strike Vote FAQ
Details: The ETFO strike vote on central items and the ETT strike vote on local
Details: The ETFO strike vote on central items and the ETT strike vote on local
ETFO will be providing buses in various parts of Toronto to support members’ ability to
Dear ETT Members, October 17 is your central and local Strike Vote – and your
ETT Members, did you know your Principal has to consult with you in September on
ETT members have voted 98% in favour of our Local Preliminary Submission. The result of this
Welcome to the Local Collective Bargaining Updates. Bargaining Update: ETT Files for Conciliation Visit frequently
The ETT executive has been made aware of several schools where preparation time has not
As you know, our Collective Agreement expires on August 31. Both ETFO and ETT have
ETT Members, Doug Ford has called the Legislature to start sitting as of Monday, August 8.
Dear ETT Members On August 31, 2022 your collective agreement expires. Tell us what’s most
Proudly meeting the insurance needs of Ontario education members and their families.