Anti-Racism, Equity, and Social Justice

As a local in one of the world’s most diverse cities, ETT has a responsibility to promote tolerance, acceptance, and understanding within the public education system and the community-at-large. The Anti-Racism, Equity, and Social Justice Committee seeks to achieve these important goals through activities that are reflective of its diverse membership, and by studying issues relating to curriculum, hiring, and the celebration of diversity.

The Anti-Racism, Equity, and Social Justice Committee meets approximately once a month in the ETT office.

ETT’s Anti-Racism, Equity & Social Justice committee would like to introduce you to an equity-based leadership development app called MaximizingU. This app is designed
ETT’s Anti-Racism, Equity, and Social Justice (ARESJ) Committee invites ETT members, their friends and acquaintances to join us in celebrating African Heritage by taking
On March 5, 2022, the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) will offer a workshop on Community Organizing for Social Justice. The workshop will
The Elementary Teachers of Toronto (ETT) is offering four bursaries ($100 each) to students who show leadership in the areas of social responsibility, anti-racism,
ETT ‘s Anti-racism, Equity and Social Justice Committee [ARESJ] strives continuously to fulfill our mission of honouring, supporting, and celebrating excellence in teaching equity.
The Muslim Educators of Toronto Association (META) is a group of Toronto District School Board educators working to represent and honour diverse Muslim communities
ETT’s Anti-racism, Equity and Social Justice Committee (ARESJ) strives continuously to fulfill our mission of honouring, supporting, and celebrating excellence in teaching equity. It

Executive Liaison(s)

Maria Abbruzzese

416-393-9930 x224

Ricardo Rodriguez

416-393-9930 x238

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