International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination—From “Racism to Resiliency”

Join the ETT Anti-Racism, Equity and Social Justice Committee on Thursday, March 24, 2022, for the annual International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (IDERD) event. There will be a spirited discussion on the theme: From “Racism to Resiliency” Time: 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Venue: Virtual* *Hybrid if COVID-19 protocols permit in-person at […]
ETFO Provincial Long Term Disability (LTD) Plan

The attached is an overview of the ETFO Provincial Long Term Disability (LTD) Plan. This document is intended to provide summary information related to the important features of the LTD plan. LTD_Plan_Overview_ETT.pdf
ETFO Provincial Long Term Disability (LTD) Plan Termination Form and Provisions

Please see the attached memo and the LTD Coverage Termination form to determine if you should terminate from the ETFO Provincial Common LTD plan and if so, the process to do so.
Access your ETFO ELHT Benefits at a Glance

OTIP: FeelingBetterNow

Stress and other mental health issues continue to be leading factors within the OTIP claim block. With the recognition of higher than average stress levels within the education field, OTIP introduced the FeelingBetterNow® program in 2009. This program has been developed to ensure user confidentiality. No personal information is shared with OTIP, a member’s employer, […]
OTIP: Maintaining LTD Coverage During a Leave of Absence

This document produced by OTIP provides information about the benefits of maintaining LTD coverage during a leave of absence. The ETFO Long Term Disability Plan provides a safety net that will replace a percentage of your salary and provide pension plan protection should you be unable to work because of an illness or injury. health__safety_concern_near_miss_form_2019_04.docx
ETFO ELHT Group Benefits Plan Booklet

The following booklet provides easy access to the information needed to understand the benefits provided by the ETFO ELHT Benefits Plan. ETFO_ELHT_Group_Benefits_Plan.pdf
ETFO Provincial LTD Termination Form

This form should be completed if you wish to terminate your long term disability (LTD) plan coverage and discontinue your premium deductions. Cancelling your LTD coverage should only be done after serious consideration of potential consequences. See the ETFO Provincial Long Term Disability (LTD) Plan Termination Provisions ETFO-ETT-LTD-Termination-Form-03-2018-EN.pdf