Say No To Hybrid Campaign

Say No To Hybrid Campaign

Sign the Petition

ETT has joined with the Ontario Autism Coalition to petition the TDSB and the Ministry of Education to eliminate hybrid teaching in our schools.

Hard copies of the petition are being mailed to the ETT Steward at your school with instructions for completion. Stewards are asked to convene a meeting of ETT members at your school so that the petition can be signed. ALL ETT members are asked to attend this meeting and sign the petition so that your steward can return it to ETT no later than October 28th .

See below for further instructions and to view the petition

[Steward Instructions]

[Click here PDF for the petition]

Send A Letter To The TDSB

ETT members, education workers, parents and concerned community members are asked to sign the following letter and send it to all 22 TDSB Trustees as well as well as the TDSB Director and Associate Directors of Education.

[PDF Teacher letter]

Spread the Word in your Community

In the Spring, ETT provided our members with flyers and lawn signs highlighting the problems of hybrid teaching. We continue to have these flyers and lawn signs available for members’ personal use or to distribute to the community.

If you would like lawn signs or if you and your colleagues would like to canvass your school community or neighbourhood with flyers, please contact your Executive Officer who will be able to provide you with these materials.

[Find your EO]

Say No To Hybrid Campaign resources and information
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