We Need Safe Schools Now – January Twitter Storm

The move to emergency virtual learning for the next two weeks came from the relentless, coordinated effort of community pushback across the city and province that has been happening for the past few months. Let’s keep up the pressure in this two-week circuit breaker and continue to call on the leaders of the province to make our schools and communities safer for us all.

This is especially important for those members who are back in-person this week. Join us this Thursday, January 6 at 11:45 AM for a Twitter Storm, where for about 15-20 minutes, all at once we will tweet our demands to be shared far and wide. This is just another important part of the pushback, as many people get their news from social media daily.


It will only take a few minutes to copy and paste from the templates provided, or even to craft your own original tweet based on the content below, as long as you use the hashtags and mention (@) the appropriate Twitter accounts. You can also share this on Facebook, Instagram or other social media you may use, using the same hashtags.

Feel free to also involve your family and friends, as the more people involved, the more powerful this will be. Our collective action works!


#safeschools #onted #onpoli #SafeSchoolsSaveLives #PaidSickDays #OSSTF #ETT

List of Demands to Incorporate in Your Tweets:

  • regular asymptomatic testing in schools
  • robust testing and tracing system
  • prioritizing boosters for all staff in schools
  • smaller class sizes to increase physical distancing
  • improved ventilation
  • N95 masking for all staff and students
  • adequate PPE for all staff
  • provincial cleaning standard for schools
  • more staffing to carry out the additional work that these measures would entail
  • 10 paid sick days for every worker in Ontario and 14 emergency paid sick days
  • rent freeze and other financial support for all residents of Ontario

Sample Tweets:

  •  100 000 cases a day while not reporting school cases? How can we know kids are safe?
  • 44% of kids under 12 have received dose 1. Open schools as vaccination centres now!
  • Education workers need their boosters. Open schools as vaccination centres now!

Persons to Mention in Your Tweets:


TDSB Trustees

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