Find your EO

The role of the Executive is to provide support to enhance members’ working lives; protect and defend collective bargaining rights and public education; and promote ETT’s governing principles of equity, non-violence, and social justice. Executive members are elected for two-year terms. Each Executive Officer serves the membership as the lead contact for one or more of the TDSB’s 22 Wards.

Instructional Leader at Sustainability
Centrally Assigned members, including Special Education consultants and coordinators; Learning, Literacy, and Early Years coaches; Itinerant teachers; Outdoor Education teachers; and Section 23 teachers, are supported by the ETT Table Team.

Your Executive Officer Remains the Same

Members in virtual schools are advised that their ETT Executive Officer remains unchanged. If members in virtual schools require intervention, advocacy, or support, they should contact the Executive Officer responsible for their home school.

Centrally Assigned members who have been redeployed to virtual schools should continue to contact ETT President, Helen Victoros; Vice President, Nigel Barriffe, or Secretary/Treasurer, Chadwick Gordon, for support.

All other members should contact the Executive Officer for the school in which they are currently based, unless Centrally Assigned, in which case they should contact the aforementioned Executive Liaisons for centrally assigned ETT Members.

Schools with a Steward who has been redeployed to a virtual classroom should ensure that there is a co-steward at their school/worksite.

You can find your Executive Officer by entering your school name in the search window below.

Executive Officers

Brian Altay

Bryan is the Executive Officer for Wards 19 and 22.

Executive Officer

Ward 19 Ward 22

Elizabeth So

Elizabeth is the Executive Officer for Wards 10 and 15. Elizabeth is also the Executive liaison to the Regional Organizers. Elizabeth is also the Toronto Occasional Teacher’s Union Liaison. Click here to book a call with her.

Executive Officer

Ward 10 Ward 15

Emily Macklin

Emily is the Executive Officer for Wards 2 and 7. Emily is also the Chief Negotiator and the Liaison to the CB committee.

Executive Officer

Ward 2 Ward 7

Jennifer Brown

Jennifer is the Executive Officer for Wards 1 and 4. Jennifer is also the co- Executive liaison to the Status of Women Committee.

Executive Officer

Ward 1 Ward 4

Jonathan Giles

Jonathan is the Executive Officer for Wards 11 and 16. Jonathan is the Grievance Coordinator.

Executive Officer

Ward 11 Ward 16

Jonathan Lowe

Jonathan is the Executive Officer for Wards 5 and 14. Jonathan is also the Executive liaison to the Labour Education, Leadership Committee.

Executive Officer

Ward 14 Ward 17
Julius Headshot


Julius is the Executive Officer for Wards 20 and 21.

Executive Officer

Ward 20 Ward 21

Maria Abbruzzese

Maria is the Executive Officer for Wards 12 and 13. Maria is also co-Executive liaison to the LGBTQI Committee and the Political Action/Public Education Committee.

Executive Officer

Ward 12 Ward 13

Ricardo Rodriguez

Ricardo is the Executive Officer for Wards 3 and 9. Ricardo is also the co-Executive liaison to the LGBTQI Committee.

Executive Officer

Ward 3 Ward 9

Roz Geridis

Roz is the Executive Officer for Wards 17 and 18. Roz is also the Benefits Coordinator.

Executive Officer

Ward 6 Ward 8
Terri Lynn Platt

Terri Lynn Platt

Terri Lynn is the Executive Officer for Wards 5 and 18. She is the co-liaison to the Status of Women Committee.

Executive Officer

Ward 5 Ward 18

Health and Safety

Ivica Cosic

Health and Safety Inspector
Ward: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 11

Peter Hasek

Health and Safety Inspector
Ward: 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, and 16

Stephen Elkerton

Health and Safety Inspector
Ward: 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22