ETT 2SLGBTQIA+ Committee, CUPE 4400 and TDECE ETFO Local Pre-Trans Pride Rally & March

On Friday, June 23, 2023, join the ETT 2SLGBTQIA+ Committee, CUPE 4400 and TDECE ETFO Local for Pride Toronto’s annual Trans Pride Rally and March event at The Bishop and Belcher.

Pride Toronto’s Trans Pride Rally & March seeks to provide a place for trans identified people to rally, stand up, and come together in solidarity. All trans identified people, their friends, and allies are welcome to rally & march.

Before the Tans Pride Rally & March, members are invited to join us at the Bishop and the Belcher for appetizers to celebrate our Trans community and diversity at 5:00 p.m.

The march officially starts at 7:00 pm. ETT members are asked to meet at the banner in front of the Bishop and the Belcher at 6:30 p.m.

Date: Friday, June 23, 2023
Time: 5:00 p.m.–6:30pm
Location: The Bishop and the Belcher (175 Bloor St E, Toronto, ON M4W 3T5 (416) 591-2352) located in Willis Towers Watson

NOTE: Make sure to update your MemberHub member profile with any required accommodations and/or dietary restrictions.

Registration is now closed. (Registration closes on June 22, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.)

For more information contact Maria Abbruzzese and Rico Rodriguez

Message from Pride Toronto:
Join us in celebrating the resilience, strength, and beauty of the Trans community at the largest Trans March in the world! This event is a powerful and important space for Trans individuals to gather and celebrate their identities while also raising awareness and fighting for Trans human rights.

The rally starts at the intersection of Church St. and Hayden St.

During the march, we honour and center the experiences and struggles of Trans folks, reaffirming that their existence is valid, necessary, and deserving of respect and dignity. While allies are welcome to join, we ask that they respect the importance of this space and leave room for Trans folks to celebrate at the front of the march.

Trans Pride Rally, March, After Party





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