ETT Reaches Local Tentative Agreement With the TDSB

The Elementary Teachers of Toronto (ETT) is advising its members that a Local Tentative Agreement has been reached with the Toronto District School Board (TDSB).
It has been a lengthy negotiations period. ETT members have been without a contract since August 31, 2019.
We believe a fair deal has been achieved, however members will have the ultimate say in an all-member vote (date to be determined).
Details of the Local Tentative Agreement will follow in a highlight sheet which will be posted on the ETT website and sent to members via email. A portal on the ETT website will also be made available with FAQs regarding the deal.
A telephone town hall will be scheduled at a date to be determined where the ETT Chief Negotiator will review the Local Tentative Agreement with members. Voting will take place after the town hall.
If the Local Tentative Agreement is ratified, a salary adjustment of 2% (1% September, 2019 + 1% September, 2020) will be retroactively paid within 30 days of ratification by both parties (ETT members and the TDSB).