ETT Petition: The Voice of Teachers is Essential for a Safe Return to Schools
To ensure a safe return to schools this September, ETT is proposing the creation of a joint workgroup with: Toronto Public Health; the TDSB; and teachers on the ground and the union. The voice of educators is essential in any design for a safe and healthy return to schools and classrooms. In fact, we believe […]
ETT is Taking Action For a Safe Return to Schools. Share Your COVID-19 Concerns.
As we prepare for the final weeks of the 2019-2020 school year and look towards the summer recess, there are still many unanswered questions as to what we may expect this September. While we have yet to receive fulsome information from the Ministry of Education, please know that your leadership at ETT has been working […]
ETFO Submission to the Ministry of Education on Ontario’s Plan to Reopen Schools
On June 18, 2020, ETFO provided a submission on behalf of public elementary educators in response to the government’s consultation on the reopening of schools. ETFO’s recommendations to the Ministry of Education focus on ensuring the health and safety of students, staff and their families while supporting quality learning across the province.