ETFO Media Release: Ford Government’s Return to School Plan Unravelling Because it Refuses to Fund Smaller Class Sizes to Keep Students, Educators safe
The following ETFO media release was posted on September 18, 2020. The Ford government’s refusal
All the latest news about ETT, collective bargaining, TDSB policies and issues, the wider world of public education, and more.
The following ETFO media release was posted on September 18, 2020. The Ford government’s refusal
Throughout the summer, your local ETT Negotiations Team met with the TDSB to continue Local
Please be advised that each school/worksite is required to elect a Health and Safety Site
The image above is an example of masks sent to a school/worksite that are not
The following attached resources were sent to all schools/worksites as part of a back-to-school Steward
This is not the welcome back to which we are accustomed. We are returning to
This is not the welcome back to which we are accustomed. We are returning to
The following is the audio recording of the 1-hour telephone town hall meeting for ETT
The following joint statement was posted on the ETFO website on August 31, 2020. Following
To assist members inquiring about pay concerns, the following information from the Strike Pay Deductions
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