Motions to the ETFO 2023 Annual Meeting: Timelines

Approval of ETFO motions and election of ETFO Annual Meeting Delegates will be done at the ETT General Meeting on January 19, 2023.

All proposed resolutions must be submitted to the Governance Committee.  Please use the form to submit your resolutions including: a mover and seconder, and a rationale of up to 100 words.

The proposed resolutions will be approved at the ETT General Meeting on January 19, 2023.

Timelines for ETFO Motions

December 5, 2022 Proposed resolutions due to Governance Committee Liaisons by 4:00 p.m.
December 23, 2022 Proposed resolutions referred to the ETT Executive
January 19, 2023 Proposed resolutions debated at the ETT General Meeting

Submit proposed ETFO Motion

Submissions now closed.


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