ETT Stewards 2024–2025—Online Registration

Electing a Steward and registering online

All schools/worksites must elect their 2024–2025 Steward(s).

Please do not delay in making this decision. To effectively organize and to protect and defend members’ rights it is imperative that each and every school/worksite be represented by at least one ETT Steward.

All Stewards, including Stewards that have previously served in the role, are required to complete the online registration process. It is important that the ETT Office have an up-to-date Steward contact list so we can relay important information for you to share with members.

While it is recommended that all 2024–2025 Stewards notify the Executive Officer for their school/worksite, this alone is not sufficient. Stewards must register online using the form below.

In most instances, the election of the school/worksite Steward(s) is a quick process. If any member(s) request(s) that a more formal election procedure be conducted, that is their right. In that case, the Steward should contact their Executive Officer for advice and support in holding a more formal election process.

Centrally Assigned Stewards

Centrally Assigned Stewards should follow the aforementioned nomination, election, and registration process by Learning Centre and Assignment.

For example: Guidance Counselors in LC5 would nominate and elect a Steward, as opposed to all Centrally Assigned members in LC5 or all Guidance Counselors separately nominating and electing Stewards.

What is a Steward? What’s their role?

ETT Stewards play a vital role in our union.

Stewards assist colleagues in understanding and exercising their rights under the Collective Agreement, provide a valuable link to support organizing and engagement, keep members apprised of important ETT and ETFO communications, and act as the union’s eyes and ears on the ground.

The responsibilities of a Steward include:

  • Advocating on behalf of their colleagues
  • Referring concerns raised by members to the appropriate Executive Officer
  • Supporting, where appropriate, members in meetings with administration (e.g. taking notes, etc.)
  • Maintaining the highest level of confidentiality regarding member issues
  • Providing union business updates at staff meetings
  • Staying in close communication with the appropriate Regional Councillor and ETT Executive Officer
  • Distributing ETT and ETFO literature
  • Serving as a member of the Staffing Committee
  • Developing a working knowledge of the Collective Agreement
  • Monitoring/enforcing Collective Agreement issues
  • Convening union meetings separate from staff meetings
  • Attending ETT meetings (e.g. General Meetings, Steward Meetings)
  • Coordinating strike activities when necessary (e.g. attending bargaining information meetings, work-to-rule interpretation and enforcement, strike pay, etc.)
  • Facilitating ETT’s ongoing organizing efforts
  • Ensuring that members onsite have registered for an account on the ETT website and are receiving ETT Weekly and other electronic communications

Form instructions

Please fill out the registration form below as soon as possible.

All ETT Stewards must complete the following registration form, regardless of the number of Stewards at the school/worksite.

All registrants will receive a confirmation email at the address provided.

Be sure to check that all required information has been entered.

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