ETT Endorses Manna Wong in Scarborough-Agincourt City Council By-Election

Please vote in the by-election for Scarborough-Agincourt City Councillor.

On January 15, 2020, there will be an election in Scarborough-Agincourt to fill the vacant City Council seat. This is a crucial election, as the city faces many challenges in the coming months, from dealing with the impact of COVID-19 to ensuring that every neighbourhood gets a fair share of services.

Our union believes the best choice in this City Council by-election is Manna Wong. She has been the local School Trustee since 2014, and has proven herself to be a strong, principled leader who will be a progressive voice at City Hall. She has a record of getting things done!

Manna is a tenacious fighter and patient consensus builder who supports public services and improved access for all residents. With strong endorsements from all the other Scarborough school trustees and residents from many diverse communities, Manna Wong is our choice to be the next City Councillor for Scarborough-Agincourt.

Manna knows and respects the work done by frontline workers, and that a strong foundation of public services is crucial to support everyone during this pandemic:

  • Emergency services are essential in time of need
  • Recreation and library programs help develop healthy life choices
  • Childcare and seniors programs serve across generations
  • Public Health services protect each and every one of us
  • People need fast and reliable public transit


It is easy to vote in this election – you don’t need to wait until January 15, 2020. To vote early, you can:

Please take a few minutes and exercise your right to vote and ask your family members to vote too.

Join the Virtual Campaign Launch Party

Join Manna Wong, local community members, and supporters for a Zoom party to officially kick off her campaign for City Council on Friday, November 27, 2020, starting at 7:30 p.m.

Learn more and RSVP Online

Volunteering and Contact Information

If you have questions or want to volunteer on the campaign, please contact Amber Bowen, Political Action/Public Education Committee Liaison, at

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