ETFO Annual Meeting 2022 Delegates

Please see the attached document for the list of Delegates and Alternates attending the ETFO Annual Meeting 2022 at the Westin Harbour Castle from August 15–18, 2022.

Both Alternates and Delegates attend the Annual Meeting. If a Delegate chooses to withdraw, the first Alternate on the list will serve in their place. The list will then be reordered accordingly, with self-nominated members added to the Alternate list from the Wait list.

See the list of Delegates/Alternates [PDF]

What is the ETFO Annual Meeting?

The ETFO Annual Meeting is key to maintaining and building a vibrant, democratic, and organized union, as well as setting the direction for our collective vision. All locals affiliated with ETFO send voting Delegates to this provincial meeting.

How are Delegates Selected?

This year, ETT has been allotted 84 Delegate positions and 15 Alternate positions. Any Active ETT Member in good standing—a full-time or part-time TDSB elementary teacher (including teachers on leaves)—may self-nominate for election to the position of Delegate following the process outlined in the ETT Constitution (Article IX Delegates to the ETFO Annual Meeting).

As per the ETT Constitution, an electronic random sort was conducted in the required self-nomination categories to select the nominees for ETFO Annual Meeting Delegates and Alternates. Members on the Wait list were added in the order they registered.

How Do I Self-Nominate to be Added to the Wait list?

Members may self-nominate to be added to the ETFO Annual Meeting 2022 Wait list by clicking here.

Members that self-nominate will be added to the Wait list in the order that they have registered.

What If I Am No Longer Able to Serve As a Delegate/Alternate or Wish to be Removed From the Wait list?

Members that are unable to maintain their commitment for their status as Delegate or Alternate, or wish to be removed from the Wait list, are asked to please contact Darlene Dimock, ETT Office Manager, by email at

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