ETFO 2025 Annual Meeting Delegate Nominations

The ETFO Annual Meeting will be held this year from August 11–14, 2025 at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel (123 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON, M5H 2M9). This is an important exercise in grassroots democracy within our union.

All locals affiliated with ETFO send voting delegates to this provincial meeting.

How are ETT Delegates chosen? How can I become a Delegate?

ETT has been allowed 82 Delegate positions and 15 Alternate positions. Any Active ETT Member in good standing – a full-time or part-time TDSB elementary teacher (including teachers on leaves) – may self-nominate for election to the position of Delegate following the process outlined in the ETT Constitution.

Please be advised that Executive Officers, Regional Organizers, and up to ten nominees from the New Teacher category have priority status and automatically serve as Delegates to the Annual Meeting.

All other nominees should select from the categories of either Involved Member or Active Member.

Delegates/alternates will be announced at the February 25, 2025 General Meeting where we also debate and decide on our ETT resolutions to ETFO AM.

ETT incurs the hotel costs for Delegates and Alternates. Each hotel room will be occupied by two Delegates. ETFO provides on-site childcare during the Annual Meeting sessions.

All Delegates and Alternates must be present during all business sessions. Failure to attend may result in removal from the delegation or the duration of the Annual Meeting.

What do Delegates do?

  • Attend training meetings (spring date TBD)
  • Discuss and vote on the priorities of the organization
  • Approve the ETFO budget and fees
  • Amend the ETFO Constitution
  • Fulfill a variety of other responsibilities necessary to the operation of ETFO
  • Meet colleagues and have fun! Each of the evenings will feature a variety of activities for members

If you would like to self-nominate to become a Delegate, please use the form below.

Registration is now closed.