The Elementary Teachers of Toronto (ETT) is offering four bursaries ($100 each) to students who show leadership in the areas of social responsibility, anti-racism, equity, inclusion and/or social justice initiatives in our elementary schools.
ETT provides this award to honour the memory of Doris Ferguson, who served as a Community Liaison Officer in Toronto for many years. Her work in building positive bridges within our schools had a significant impact on students, staff and communities.
Award recipients (and up to two family members) will be invited to receive their awards and have their achievements recognized at the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (IDERD) event organized by ETT. This year’s celebration will take place on Thursday, March 20, 2025 at the Parkview Manor.
Applications must be received by email no later than Thursday, February 27, 2025 at noon.
Click here to download the application form
The ETT Doris Ferguson Memorial Bursary
Doris Ferguson worked tirelessly for the promotion of understanding and harmony in the diverse communities within our education system. ETTs goal is to raise awareness of the importance of social responsibility, anti-racism, equity, inclusion, social justice and/or peace principles at all levels of Canadian society.
This bursary honours Ms. Ferguson’s work and is an incentive for our schools to recognize the efforts of students who are showing leadership in any or all of the following areas: social responsibility, anti-racism, equity, social justice, and peace initiatives. The monetary award encourages recipients to add to their personal libraries and take advantage of workshops and conferences to enhance their leadership skills for the future.
A school may submit one or more applications for the bursary on behalf of students in the school who shows demonstrated impact, leadership, and contributions to social responsibility, equity, inclusion, and social justice.
ETT will select four students and will present the bursary at the International Day for the Elimination of Racism Day (IDERD) Celebration event. All nominees will receive ETT merit certificates to honour their efforts.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Jennifer Brown – Executive Officer
Elementary Teachers of Toronto