“The TDSB Must Identify and Eliminate Anti-Black racism, Anti-Indigenous Racism, and Racism in All Forms,” Says ETT President Jennifer Brown in Open Letter

In an open letter to Interim TDSB Director Karen Falconer, ETT President Jennifer Brown calls on the Board to follow through on the key recommendations from its recently released Human Rights Annual Report 2018-2020 and “identify and eliminate anti-Black racism, anti-Indigenous racism, and racism in all forms.”

The data in this report “highlights a dramatic increase in the implicit and explicit forms of racism experienced by educators and students” and “confirms the systemic racism that educators have long recognized and called on the TDSB to address,” says Brown.

“When and where racism is identified by educators, students, parents, and/or communities, the Board must take proactive steps to ensure safe space for all.”

ETT President Jennifer Brown
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